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ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – Protesters from Iraq’s southern provinces traveled to the country’s central capital Baghdad on Tuesday to join rallies in Tahrir Square. With their combined force, the protesters hope to keep up the pressure on the government and ruling parties to meet their demands.

Since anti-government protests began, Tahrir Square has become the beating heart of the movement. Rudaw English correspondent Lawk Ghafuri visited Tahrir on Wednesday to capture its mood of defiance. 

Rudaw’s reporter Halkawt Aziz was back on Tuesday to capture these photographs just days after an armed attack by masked men saw at least 15 protesters killed and scores wounded.

Baghdad’s protesters have called on their countrymen in the south to join them, but urged them to remain peaceful and avoid trying to storm the capital’s fortified Green Zone, where government buildings and foreign embassies are located.

The protests began in early October to demand action against corruption and joblessness and for the provision of basic services. They quickly spread from the capital to southern provinces. 

Security forces and militias responded to the unrest with deadly force, killing more than 420 and wounded 16,000.

Photos by Halkawt Aziz / Rudaw