Hashd militia injured in bombing in Tuz Khurmatu

Rudaw file photo of the aftermath of Hashd al-Shaabi's takeover of Tuz Khurmatu.

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – Tuz Khurmatu came under bombardment on Saturday, seriously wounding two Hashd al-Shaabi fighters. Separately, clashes have erupted between residents and the Hashd in a nearby village, according to local reports.

Clashes are ongoing between residents of Palkana village and the Hashd al-Shaabi, Rudaw’s war reporter Hunar Ahmed learned from local sources who also informed him of suspected mortar attack in Tuz Khurmatu that wounded two militiamen.

No group has yet claimed responsibility for the attack.

Tuz Khurmatu fell to Iraqi forces when they drove the Peshmerga out during their military incursion into the disputed areas, which also include the multi-ethnic city, in mid-October.

Two armed groups, one known to be comprised of Kurds, have since been reported in the area.

The Kurdish group calls themselves “the Liberation Army” and their objective is to fight Iraqi forces, especially the mainly Shiite Hashd al-Shaabi, who are accused of committing human rights violations against Tuz Khurmatu’s Kurdish population.

They are around 200 fighters and include former Peshmerga. They have set up their base east of Tuz Khurmatu.

The second group, whose identities remain unknown, has an estimated 500 members. They had been deployed along the mountain range between Tuz Khurmatu and Kifri, but have reportedly left their positions and moved further south.