Militia commander allegedly affiliated with activist killings released: PMF channels

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region — A prominent commander from the Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF or Hashd al-Shaabi) accused of having a hand in the killing of activists in Iraq has been released after two weeks in detention, despite the government previously pledging to hold killers of activists accountable, enraging activists in the city of Karbala.  

“Today, the judiciary has proven that it is politicized and unfair,” Karbala activist Raed al-Da'ami told Rudaw English on Wednesday. “Al-Kadhimi and his government manipulate people's feelings, but Karbala will not be silent, the bloodshed must stop, and the killers must be held accountable."

News of PMF Commander Qassem Musleh’s release was circulating on PMF affiliated telegram channels on Wednesday.

The commander was arrested on the dawn of May 26, after he was accused of being linked to the killing of prominent activists Fahim al-Taie and Ihab al-Wazni in Karbala. He was released within two weeks, with pictures and videos of him all over PMF affiliated media being warmly welcomed by PMF members.

The channels also show crowds greeting the released commander in Karbala, the hometown of the deceased activists. They reported Musleh visited the house of the head of the PMF, Falih Fayadh.

In a press conference in Karbala on Monday, Samira al-Wazni, the mother of Ihab al-Wazni, gave the head of the Supreme Judicial Council, Faiq Zaidan, 12 days to reveal the identity of Wazni’s assassins and to put them on trial.
“If not, may God, the country and the people forgive me for what I will do in the coming days,” she said. 

Two days after her statement, the alleged killer of her son has been released as PMF media says no evidence was found on the charges against him.

“We cannot exceed the deadline set by the mother of the martyr Ihab, the escalation will be different this time, and everyone should pardon us for what we will do,” activist Da’ami said.

Musleh’s release comes only a day after the head of the Iraqi Supreme Judicial Council reiterated the legal right to peaceful demonstrations and called on the courts and investigative bodies to follow up on the killing of activists. 

According to a copy of the judicial memorandum obtained by Rudaw, the arrest was carried out by the anti-corruption committee led by Ahmed Abu Ragheef, a senior intelligence and investigations officer in the Ministry of Interior.

Following the arrest, Baghdad’s Green Zone, home to government offices and foreign missions, was completely shut down due to threats from pro-Iranian factions, calling on Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi to release Musleh and hand over Abu Ragheef to the PMF.

This was not the first time PMF supporters and members have tried to express their power through parades and storming the green zone.

Back in March, Iran backed militia Rab’Allah held a military parade inside Baghdad in opposition to parties delaying a vote on Iraq’s budget bill. 

Videos published on their Telegram channels showed the militiamen driving through the streets of Baghdad on the back of dozens of pickup trucks, faces covered, carrying RPGs and AK47s. Some held up images of Kadhimi with a shoe print on his forehead, captioned “It’s time to cut off your ears.”