14 ISIS killed in clashes with Iraqi forces in Kirkuk and Anbar

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – Iraqi forces killed 14 ISIS militants in separated clashes in Kirkuk and Anbar provinces on Monday. 

“Today, a number of ISIS militants attacked the Iraqi armed forces and Hashd al-Ashayar forces in Haditha district in west Anbar province,” Sabah Karhut, member of Anbar Provincial Council, told Rudaw. “As a result, nine ISIS militants and a civilian were killed.”

“Despite announcing the ultimate prevalence over ISIS, the group is still maintaining a presence in Wadi Horan, Anbar deserts along the Syria, Jordan, and Saudi borders, with sometimes targeting the security forces,” Karhut explained. 

In a separate incident, the Hashd al-Shaabi Brigade 16 media office announced that five ISIS militants were killed in Humaira village, southern Kirkuk.

Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi announced the end of the ISIS war in Iraq in December 2017. However, security forces have clashed many times with remnants and sleeper cells of the terror group, particularly in Kirkuk and Anbar provinces.

Baghdad and Erbil are reportedly in discussions to redeploy the Peshmerga to the disputed areas to help counter the ISIS threat.