Iraq says large parts of Ramadi recaptured from Daesh

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – Iraqi joint forces have recaptured the Anbar operations command and large parts of Ramadi from Daesh, or ISIS, the Iraqi government and international news agencies reported Tuesday.

"Iraqi forces managed to recapture the Anbar Operations command center inside Ramadi which was used by ISIS as a stronghold to carry out parts of its military missions in Ramadi,” the Iraqi Cabinet said in a statement.

Meanwhile, AFP reported that Iraqi security forces recaptured a large area of  Ramadi from ISIS, mainly Al-Tameem, on the southwestern side of the city.

“Today, our forces completely cleared the Al-Tameem area after a fierce battle against Daesh gunmen,” AFP quoted Sabah al-Noman, the spokesman for Iraq’s counter-terrorism service, as saying.Ramadi fell to ISIS last May.

Noman also said that that Daesh had no choice except to surrender or fight and they were completely destroyed."

Earlier this month, the Iraqi military command asked Ramadi residents to evacuate the city in anticipation of an operation to liberate Anbar, Iraq’s largest. Iraqi security forces, local police, Iraqi federal police, anti-terror forces and at least 10,000 tribal fighters are engaged in the fight against ISIS in Sunni-dominated Anbar.