Coalition thwarts drone attack on US base in Iraq

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - A drone attack on a military base housing American troops in western Iraq was foiled by the forces early Friday, a statement released by the coalition on Friday morning read.

"At approximately 1:46 a.m., April 8, U.S. air defense systems shot down an armed unmanned aerial system entering Al Asad Air Base, Iraq," the coalition reported.

The attack was unsuccessful, with the forces reporting no injuries or damage whatsoever, saying "all Coalition personnel are accounted for."

An investigation into the incident has been opened.

Located in Anbar province, Ain al-Asad airbase houses US-led coalition personnel and Iraqi army troops.

American military bases in Iraq and Syria have increasingly come under threat from attacks by rockets and explosive-laden drones, especially following the US assassination of Iranian general Qasem Soleimani in Baghdad in January 2020. The attacks have mostly been blamed on pro-Iran militia groups.  

The assassination was ordered by former US President Donald Trump, who called Soleimani "the number one terrorist anywhere in the world" and claimed he was planning attacks on US forces.

As thousands of people commemorated the second anniversary of the Iranian general's killing, two drones rigged with explosives were shot down at a Baghdad airport compound housing American troops.

In January, the coalition foiled yet another attack and destroyed two drones rigged with explosives.

There have been at least 30 reported rocket and drone attacks on bases and facilities housing US forces and personnel in Iraq and the Kurdistan Region last year, according to data compiled by Rudaw English.