Iran-US hostilities: IRGC fires missiles at US troops in Iraq



US-Iran tensions threaten Iraq's dwindling Christian population, says Erbil's Chaldean Archbishop

US-Iran tensions threaten Iraq's dwindling Christian population, Erbil's Chaldean Archbishop has said.

Iraq's Christian community, which was largely displaced under the Islamic State (ISIS), is mostly concentrated in the Nineveh Plains. 

Bishop Warda cautioned against further escalation in a statement posted to Twitter. 

"Iraq has been suffering from proxy wars for decades; they have torn our country apart," he said, stating  that the situation "must not escalate." 

"The current tensions are threatening the serious fragility of the communities, which are tired of war and the tragic consequences," he added, referring to the "fractured" Christian communities of Mosul and the Nineveh Plains. 
The archdiocese seeks the "urgent action" of the international community, Warda concluded. 
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NATO chief, Trump agree alliance could 'contribute more' to stability in the Middle East

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg delivers a speech during a press conference at NATO Headquarters in Brussels, on January 6, 2020. Photo:Kenzo Tribouillard/AFP

NATO has spoken with US President Trump over requests to increase their involvement in the Middle East. 

In a phone call between NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and the US President, the two sides "agreed that NATO could contribute more to regional stability and the fight against terrorism," AFP has reported. 

The phone call follows Trump's request for NATO to become more involved in the region during his televised address earlier in the evening. 

"Today I am going to ask NATO to become much more involved in the Middle East process," he said. 

NATO suspended its training missions with the Iraqi Army on Monday. 

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Muqtada al-Sadr orders Iran-backed PMF to stand down

Influential Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr has called on the Iranian backed Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF, or Hashd-al Shaabi in Arabic) to stand down following President Trump's recent remarks. 

Sadr, who leads the Iraqi parliament's Sairoon Bloc, announced on Twitter that  "the crisis is over" and called on Iraqi factions not to take military action. 

He also called on Iraqi factions to let "international, political and parliamentarian efforts to take place" in order to expel foreign troops from the country. 



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Iraqi PM affirms Iraq's "positive role" in region

Iraqi President Barham Salih has spoken of Iraq's "positive role" in the region in a recent statement posted to Twitter. 

"The Prime Minister affirms Iraq's positive role in its regional and international surroundings, its position on the current crisis, and its refusal to have its sovereignty violated," the statement read. 

Salih also spoke of the need for cooperation "to achieve calm" and maintain security and stability.


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Trump: More sanctions on Iran, increased NATO involvement and cooperation with Tehran to defeat ISIS

Trump addressing the nation on December 8, 2019. Photo: AFP

US President Donald Trump has addressed the nation over Iran's recent missile attacks in Iraq. 

The US President announced further economic sanctions on Tehran for the recent attacks on US forces in Iraq. He also called for cooperation with Tehran over a number of matters and further NATO involvement in the Middle East .

"Iran appears to be standing down," he announced, while adding that no Americans were harmed in the recent offensive. 

"Our missiles are big and accurate, but that does not mean we need to use them, or want to use them," Trump said, in an apparent effort to de-escalate ongoing tensions between the US and Iran. 

Tensions reached a peak last week following the US assassination of IRGC Commander Qasem Soleimani- who Trump referred to as "the world's top terrorist." 

In the address, Trump described Soleimani as the "mastermind" behind the recent attack on Kirkuk's K1 military base, and said he was plotting more attacks before his death last week. 

"The United States will immediately impose additional punishing economic sanctions on the Iranian regime. These powerful sanctions will remain until Iran changes its behaviour," the president said. 

"As long as I'm President, Iran  will never be allowed to have a nuclear weapon," he added, incorrectly stating that the "foolish" 2015 nuclear deal was signed in 2013. 

He also called on NATO to increase its involvement in Middle Eastern affairs. 

However, Trump seems open to cooperating with Tehran- particularly in the fight against the Islamic State (ISIS). 

"ISIS is a natural enemy of Iran. The destruction of ISIS is good for Iran. We should work together on this and other priorities," he ended. 


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Iraqi Foreign Ministry to summon Iranian Ambassador

Iraq's foreign ministry will summon the Ambassador to Iran, according to an official statement released to Twitter. 

"We will not allow [Iraq] to be a battlefield, a passage to carry out attacks, or a place to use its lands to harm neighbouring countries,"  the statement read.

"The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will summon the ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran to inform him of the above," it added.

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Russia, Turkey call for 'restraint' and 'common sense' as tensions remain

Russian President Vladimir Putin attending the inauguration ceremony of a new gas pipeline on January 8, 2020, in Istanbul. Photo: Ozan Kose/AFP

A joint statement from Turkish President Recep Tayipp Erdogan and Russian President Vladimir Putin has called for the US and Iran to "act with restraint as well as common sense" following the latest missile strikes in Iraq. 

Ankara and Moscow are "deeply concerned" over rising tensions between the US and Iran, as well as the "negative repercussions on Iraq," the statement read, adding that the US assassination of IRGC Commander Qasem Soleimani "undermines security and stability in the region."

"We express our commitment to de-escalate the existing tensions in the region," it added. 



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US Senator Lindsey Graham: "Retaliation for the sake of retaliation is not necessary"

Prominent US Senator Lindsey Graham took to Twitter to advocate against further action against Iran, saying "retaliation of the sake of retaliation is not necessary at this time."

The US must work to stop ballistic missile build-up, negotiate a new nuclear deal and stop Iranian state sponsoring of terrorism, he tweeted, before adding that the maximum pressure campaign against Tehran is the "best way to achieve our strategic goals." Continue Reading


UNAMI: 'Iraq should not pay the price for external rivalries'

The United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq has condemned the violation of Iraqi sovereignty and has warned that Iraq "should not pay the price" for conflict between foreign powers.


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US Contractor killed in Iran missile strike was born in Iraq

Nawres Hamid, 33, was killed in a missile attack on K1 military base in Kirkuk. Family photo via Washington Post
The US contractor killed in the missile strike which sparked the ongoing hostilities between the US and Iran was born in Iraq, the Washington Post has reported.

Nawres Hamid, a father of two, became a naturalised US citizen in 2017 and had worked as an Arabic interpreter for US forces in Iraq before being killed in a missile attack on 27 December. 

Hamid's death was followed by the US assassination of Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps Commander Qasem Soleimani, causing outrage in Tehran. 

In response, Iran fired 22 missiles into Iraq last night, targeting military bases in Anbar province and Erbil. No casualties have been reported.  Continue Reading


Iraqi President denounces Iran missile strike

Iraqi President Barham Salih has condemned last night's missile strikes by Iran on Iraqi bases hosting US and foreign troops, AFP has reported. 

"We denounce the Iranian missile bombing that hit military installations on Iraqi territory," he said in a statement, rejecting the "repeated violation" of Iraqi sovereignty. 

He also rejected the "transformation of Iraq into a battlefield for warring sides."




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NATO chief condemns Iran missile attacks

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has condemned Iranian airstrikes on Iraqi sites hosting US and Coalition troops in Iraq.

“I condemn the Iranian missile attacks on US and coalition forces in Iraq. NATO calls on Iran to refrain from further violence,” Stoltenberg tweeted. 

The military alliance announced it was suspending its anti-ISIS operations in Iraq on Monday.

No NATO casualties were reported in Wednesday's airstrikes.  Continue Reading


Iraqi speaker condemns Iran’s ‘violation of Iraqi sovereignty’

Iraq’s Parliament Speaker Mohammed al-Halbousi condemned Iran’s “violation of Iraqi sovereignty” and called on the government to ensure the country does not become a battlefield.

“As we condemn the Iranian violation of Iraqi sovereignty at dawn on Wednesday, January 8, we reiterate our absolute rejection of rival parties attempting to use Iraq as a field to settle scores,” read a statement Halbousi posted on Facebook. 

“Amid this difficult condition, we renew our call to the Iraqi government to undertake the necessary political, legal, and security measures to stop such violations, and work on preserving Iraqi sovereignty from violations, and to protect Iraq from the ongoing rivalry, so that it is not the field of settlements and fighting, or a side in the international or regional rivalry,” the statement read. 
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Boris Johnson: Solemani 'had the blood of British troops on his hands'

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson defended the US airstrike that killed Iranian general Qasem Soleimani, who he said "had the blood of British troops on his hands."

At British parliament's weekly Prime Minister's Questions, Johnson said the US "has a right to protect its bases and its personnel" in Iraq, before listing Iran-backed groups who benefited from the assistance of the Quds Force Soleimani commanded, including Hezbollah in Lebanon, Houthi rebels in Yemen, and the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. 

Opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn said "US actions have escalated an already dangerous conflict", before asking if the UK would respect Iraqi sovereignty and its parliament's request to government of the expulsion of foreign troops.

"The UK will continue to work towards de-escalation in the region," Johnson offered in indirect reply.

"We are determined to guarantee with everything that we can the safety and security of the people of Iraq."
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President Barzani: Iraq needs Coalition's anti-ISIS support

Photo: Rudaw TV
President Nechirvan Barzani has made a televised statement, in part to address Iranian missile attacks on Iraq and the Kurdistan Region.

He emphasised the need for the US-led coalition force member states fighting Islamic State in Iraq- some of whom have already announced partial and temporary withdrawals from the country amid US-Iran hostilities - to remain.

"We in the Kurdistan Region assert that we believe Iraq generally needs the support of the Coalition Forces to fight against Daesh terrorists," Barzani said, referring to the group by their Arabic acronym.

"From what we see in news, the security information we receive on daily bases, we see that the operations of the terrorist forces in Iraq are increasing in a systematic manner. This is a cause of concern for the Kurdistan Region and all of Iraq."

His statement follows a meeting attended by Barzani, Kurdistan Region Prime Minister Masrour Barzani, and parliament speaker Rewaz Fayaq earlier today. The three implored involved parties to "avoid dragging the Kurdistan Region into their rivalries." Continue Reading


Iran President Rouhani: expulsion of US forces 'our final answer' to Soleimani killing

Iran's end goal response to the killing of General Qasem Soleimani is to "kick all US forces out of the region," Iranian President Rouhani tweeted. 

"If it weren’t for his war on terror, European capitals would be in great danger now," Rouhani added in reference to the Islamic State.  Continue Reading


France issues Iranian airstrike condemnation, 'solidarity with its allies'

The French foreign ministry has issued a statement condemning Iranian airstrikes on Coalition bases in Iraq and reiterating "solidarity with its allies." 

"The cycle of violence must be broken," the statement read. "France remains determined to work to ease tensions"

A French military source earlier said it would not be withdrawing its 160 troops from the country, reported Sky News.

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EU condemns Iranian missile strikes, calls for an end to 'spiral of violence'

The European Union's diplomatic chief Josep Borrell has condemned the rocket attacks on bases hosting US personnel in Iraq as yet another example of escalation and increased confrontation," urging for a end to the "spiral of violence." 

Earlier today, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen called for dialogue to replace the use of weapons before departing to London to discuss the situation with British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, reported Reuters. Continue Reading


Video: Kurdish security forces inspect site of Iran missile strike near Bardarash

Kurdistan Region security forces collect evidence from the site of an Iranian missile strike near Bardarash, 360 kilometres north of Baghdad. No casualties were reported from this strike.

Video: Rudaw TV, Photos: Ranja Jamal / Rudaw
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UN advises staff to delay returning to Iraq

Rudaw has seen a message from the United Nations to its staff working in Iraq to delay scheduled returns to the country, because of the “current security situation.” 

A UN worker confirmed the veracity of the message to Rudaw English.

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Germany calls on Iran to 'refrain from further escalation'

Germany's defence minister condemned Iran's missile attacks on Iraqi bases housing US-led coalition forces and called on Tehran to not escalate hostilities. 

"The German government strongly condemns this aggression... it is now primarily up to the Iranians to refrain from further escalation," Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer told broadcaster ARD, AFP reported. Continue Reading


KRG leaders meeting concludes with call for dialogue: Rudaw reporter

The meeting of the three Kurdistan Region presidencies has concluded. Rudaw’s parliamentary reporter Sangar Abdulrahman has learned that the president, prime minister, and parliament speaker called for resolving disagreements through dialogue and stressed that the Kurdistan Region must not become a battleground for others.
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Khamenei praises Iraqi move to expel US forces

“The law passed yesterday in Iran’s parliament [providing 200 million euros to the IRGC’s Quds Force] and the Iraqi parliament in its expelling US forces bill were very good things,” Ayatollah Ali Khamenei stated in a televised address. 

The Iraqi parliament on Sunday passed a resolution asking the government to expel foreign forces from Iraq. 
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Philippines orders mandatory evacuation of nationals from Iraq

“The Philippine Embassy in Baghdad has been tasked to effect the mandatory evacuation of Filipinos estimated to be around 1,640 in that country,” read a statement from the Philippines Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA).

The DFA will send rapid response teams to assist in the evacuation, the statement added. 

At least three military cargo planes and a new coastguard ship will be dispatched to aid in getting Filipinos out of harm’s way, AFP reported. "Once we gather them, we can maybe charter a plane or charter our ships to bring them home," Defence Secretary Delfin Lorenzana told reporters. 

Many Filipino migrant workers are employed in Iraq and the Kurdistan Region.
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Khamenei: Missile strike was a 'slap in the face’ to the US

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei speaks live on TV a few hours after Iran fired 22 missiles at military bases in Iraq housing US-led coalition forces. Photo: AP live video
“The people of Iran slapped America in the face,” Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said in a speech broadcast live on TV a few hours after Iran fired a reported 22 missiles at bases housing US troops in Iraq.

In response, the crowd chanted “Death to America” and “Death to Israel.”

Khamenei called for the ousting of US forces from the Middle East. “This kind of attack is not enough. The US must be uprooted from the region because they brought destruction to this region,” he stated. 

He also praised Gen. Qasem Soleimani who was killed by the US in a drone strike in Baghdad on Friday. 

“The martyrdom of Qasem Soleimani showed the living nature of our revolution to the whole world,” he stated. Noting the massive crowds that came out to mourn Soleimani in Tehran and cities across Iran, Khamenei said “this shows the revolution still lives.”
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‘Iran does not seek escalation or war’: Ambassador to UK

Iran’s envoy to the United Kingdom tweeted that the country acted in self-defence and does not want war. 

“Iran in an act of self-defence as enshrined in the UN Charter, attacked two US military bases. Iran does not seek escalation or war. Our armed forces are quite ready to forcefully respond against any adventurism,” Ambassador Hamid Baeidinejad tweeted.

“Iran’s People and government are fully behind their armed forces,” he added.
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Leadership of the KRG meet to discuss situation in Iraq

Kurdistan Region Prime Minister Masrour Barzani, Parliament Speaker Rewaz Fayaq, President Nechirvan Barzani, Deputy Prime Minister Qubad Talabani and other top officials meet in Erbil. Photo: KRG
The meeting between the Kurdistan Region president, head of the parliament, and the prime minister has started to discuss the situation in Iraq. The previously-scheduled meeting is happening just hours after Iran fired a reported 22 missiles into Iraqi bases where US-led coalition personnel are based. No casualties have been reported by the Kurdish and Iraqi sides, but IRGC affiliated news outlets claim 80 Americans were killed and 200 wounded.
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UK’s foreign secretary condemns Iran missile strike: Sky News

“We condemn this attack on Iraqi military bases hosting Coalition – including British – forces. We are concerned by reports of casualties and use of ballistic missiles,” read the statement from Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab carried by Sky News. 

"We urge Iran not to repeat these reckless and dangerous attacks, and instead to pursue urgent de-escalation. A war in the Middle East would only benefit Daesh and other terrorist groups,” added the statement. 
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No Canadian troops injured in Iran missile strikes: PM Trudeau

"The Canadian Armed Forces has been able to confirm that all personnel deployed in Iraq are safe," read a statement from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau after he met with relevant government ministers and military chiefs.

Canadian forces are in the country as part of the US-led coalition against ISIS and a NATO training mission. 

"We continue to strongly urge de-escalation across the region," Trudeau added.  Continue Reading


Kurdistan Region leaders to meet today

The Kurdistan Region's president, prime minister, and parliament speaker will discuss latest developments later today in a previously-scheduled meeting. Ministry of Peshmerga's Secretary General Jabar Yawar said it is likely they will also discuss the Iranian missile strike.

The heads of Kurdistan Region parties will also meet today to discuss a unified stance, according to Nawzad Hadi, advisor to Kurdistan Region President Nechirvan Barzani.  Continue Reading


22 missiles fired into Iraq; no Iraqi casualties: Security Media Cell

There were no Iraqi casualties from 22 Iranian missiles that landed in Iraq, according to a statement from the country’s Security Media Cell. 

“Iraq, from 1:45am to 2:15am today at dawn, January 8, 2020, was subject to 22 missiles. Seventeen of them landed in the Ain al-Assad Airbase, including two missiles that didn't explode in the Heitan area west of Hit city and five missiles at Erbil, all falling on the bases of the Coalition. No losses among Iraqi forces were recorded, and we will give you more details later,” read the statement.

Hit is located in Anbar province, southeast of Ain al-Assad base. 
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Bardarash residents describe missile strike that shattered windows

Residents of Bardarash town, located 360 kilometres north of Baghdad, were woken at 2am by the sound of the missile strike. No casualties have been reported in the town. 
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Multiple Erbil flights cancelled, India warns against travel to Iraq

At least eight flights have been cancelled at Erbil International Airport.

India advised all it nationals to avoid non-essential travel to Iraq. The Indian embassy in Baghdad and consulate in Erbil are continuing normal operations, spokesperson for the Ministry of External Affairs tweeted.


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EU envoy: Iraq must not be ‘victim of proxy war’

The European Union’s envoy to Baghdad said Iraq must not be the site of a “proxy war” between the United States and Iran. 

“Iran is violating Iraqi sovereignty by launching air strikes tonight. After Iraq complained about breach of its sovereignty on 3 January by US. Iraq does not deserve to be victim of proxy war!” tweeted Martin Huth, EU ambassador to Iraq.
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IRGC claims 80 US troops killed

Fifteen missiles hit Iraq’s Ain al-Assad base in Anbar, killing at least 80 American military personnel and wounding over 200, a source from the IRGC intelligence branch told the Guards' affiliated outlet Farsnews

The US has not confirmed casualties as of yet. President Donald Trump earlier said assessment of casualties and damages are ongoing. The UK Defence Ministry said there were no British casualties. 

Rudaw cannot independently verify the IRGC's claim.  Continue Reading


No UK military casualties: Sky News

There were no British casualties in the Iranian missile strikes aimed at Iraqi bases housing US-led coalition forces, the UK Defence Ministry told Sky News. 

Brett McGurk, former presidential envoy to the coalition, called for cool heads to prevail. “We cannot presume this is a one-time event given Iran’s history. It’s a moment to slow down, buy time, and be deliberative on next steps,” he tweeted. 
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Iran missile strike was codenamed ‘Martyr Soleimani’

A statement from the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) said that in an operation codenamed “Martyr Soleimani,” tens of missiles were fired at Ain al-Assad base in response to the killing of Gen. Qasem Soleimani.

“We warn the Great Satan… that any more violation would be met with more painful and decisive response,” the statement read. “We warn the countries in alliance with the United States which have given their bases to the terrorist country of America, if any attack originates from them against the Islamic Republic, they will be targeted.”

The IRGC added that it does not separate Israel from the United States “in this crime,” and called on the American people demand their soldiers be brought home to save their lives. 

“We advise the American people to avoid further loss, to recall the American soldiers and do not allow the hateful regime that rules over the United States to endanger the lives of American soldiers,” the IRGC stated. 

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Windows shattered in Bardarash after Iran missile strike

Pieces of an Iranian missile are seen near Erbil airport. Photo: Rudaw
Residents in Bardarash, 50 kilometres northwest of Erbil, reported hearing a loud bang early this morning. One of the missiles fired from Iran landed not far from a refugee camp near the town, housing most of the nearly 20,000 newly-arrived refugees who fled Turkey’s invasion into northern Syria. 

Windows of shops and houses were shattered in the area, reported Rudaw’s Ranja Jamal from the scene where security forces are conducting a search. 
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No chance of survivors in Ukrainian jet crash in Tehran: Iran Red Crescent

Rescue teams examine the crash site of a Ukrainian passenger jet that crashed shortly after take-off from Tehran Wednesday morning. Photo: IRNA
A Ukrainian passenger jet crashed in Tehran shortly after take-off. It was carrying 170 passengers, according to Iran’s ISNA news agency. The head of Iran’s Red Crescent told ISNA that there is no chance of finding survivors. 

The crash was due to technical issues, reported Tasnim News Agency, which is affiliated with Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). 

The flight was bound for Kiev. 
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Iran-US hostilities: IRGC fires missiles at US troops in Iraq

Pieces of an Iranian missile are seen near Erbil airport Wednesday morning. Photo: Rudaw
Iran fired missiles at two bases housing American troops in Iraq’s western Anbar province and in the Kurdistan Region capital of Erbil Wednesday morning. There are no immediate reports of casualties. 

In Erbil, Rudaw reporters on the scene said that two missiles were fired into Erbil, apparently aimed at the airport where US-led coalition forces are based. One fell 5km short of the airport and did not explode. The other one fell near Bardarash town, northwest of the city where nearly 20,000 newly-arrived refugees from Syria are being housed. That exploded but Rudaw’s reporters on the scene said there were no casualties. 

“Iran launched more than a dozen ballistic missiles against U.S. military and coalition forces in Iraq. It is clear that these missiles were launched from Iran and targeted at least two Iraqi military bases hosting U.S. military and coalition personnel at Al-Assad and Irbil,” the US-led global coalition against ISIS confirmed in a statement. 

“We are working on initial battle damage assessments,” the coalition added, pledging to take “necessary measures to protect and defend U.S. personnel, partners, and allies in the region.”

Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammed Javad Zarif said the move was made under Article 51 of the UN Charter, which details the right to self-defence. 

“Iran took & concluded proportionate measures in self-defense under Article 51 of UN Charter targeting base from which cowardly armed attack against our citizens & senior officials were launched,” he tweeted. “We do not seek escalation or war, but will defend ourselves against any aggression.”

“All is well!” tweeted US President Donald Trump about the attacks. “Assessment of casualties & damages takig place now. So far, so good! We have the most powerful and well equipped military anywhere in the world, by !" 

Trump said he will make a statement Wednesday morning, Washington DC time. 

Many Iranian officials are tweeting images of the national flag, mimicking Trump who tweeted the American flag after Iran’s Gen. Qasem Soleimani was killed in Baghdad in a US drone strike on January 3.

At least four flights in and out of Erbil airport have been cancelled.
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