Kurdish ISIS fighter who threatened Kurds in videos killed in Mosul

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – An Islamic State fighter who once declared that his Kurdish identity was “unimportant” was killed in Mosul province, ISIS social media reports said on Saturday.

The reports gave no details about the death of Abu Humam Kurdi, who often appeared in ISIS propaganda videos, threatening Kurdish leaders and promising to take over all of Iraqi Kurdistan.

“Being a Kurd has no meaning for me,” Kurdi declared in one video. In another, he warned against supporting political parties in Kurdistan. He said even if his own brother joined, “I swear to God, I will cut off his head.”

Kurdi had also promised ISIS leader Abubakr al-Baghdadi that he would capture all of the Kurdistan region for the radical group.

The ISIS social media reports said Kurdi had fought against the Peshmerga in Kirkuk, Tal Hamas and Tal Kocher.

Kurds in modest numbers have been among the recruits joining ISIS from around the world.

The Kurdistan Region used to be fertile recruitment ground for different militant Islamic groups, many fighting Kurdish nemesis Baghdad, Syria or other unwanted regimes in the region. 

But the number of Kurdish recruits declined after the militants turned their guns against the Kurdistan Region in August 2014, Peshmerga and religious officials have said.