Iraqi government plans to disarm civilians

Iraq's Ministry of Interior is drawing up new weapons regulations that will severely limit the number of institutions and individuals who can apply to carry guns. 

Civiliam gun ownership in Iraq is common. Many guns flooded onto the market following the 2003 US invasion.

"Selling guns has becoming common practice since many weapons in Iraqi military camps were taken away by the public when the camps were dismantled," said Gomaa al-Atwani, an Iraqi military expert.

These proposals build on legal regulation drafted in August 2018allowing a member of the public to purchase firearms only after they received official authorization and an ID card detailing their private information, along with the types of weapons they already own.


Iraq's current regulations allow citizens to apply to purchase guns if they feel a real security threat. Most Iraqi families bought at least one automatic weapon to defend themselves as extremist groups raged post-war.


But the overflow of guns has made it difficult to maintain Iraq's public order. Gun battles between tribes are common, and in some areas where gangs are active, gunshots can be heard even during the day.

Meanwhile, the Iraqi government intends to gradually collect guns from the public and draw a clear line between military units and civilians.