18 ISIS militants killed in clashes with Iraqi army in Tikrit

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - More than 18 Islamic State (ISIS) militants were killed on Thursday in clashes with the Iraqi army in Tirkit city, Salahadin Province, said an Iraqi Federal Police official.

"Near a cement factory on the main Baiji-Shargat road [on Tikrits outskirts], Iraqi military forces fought ISIS militants 18 of them, among them a marksman," said Shakir Jawdat, the commander of the Iraqi Federal Police.

"In the clashes, the Iraqi Federal policemen were able to detonate two improvised ISIS vehicles rigged with explosives," Jawdat added.

ISIS militants are reportedly retreating in several areas and have moved their forces back to their stronghold of Mosul and to towns they still control in Salahaddin province.

Iraqi Security Forces entered the town of Hit on Wednesday and recaptured several areas. ISIS mines however have slowed down their advance, a source in the media office of Anbar province told Rudaw.