Turkish drone targets Makhmour camp

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - A Turkish drone on Tuesday targeted Makhmour camp, controlled by the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), according to news outlets affiliated with the group, adding that no casualties were inflicted. 

The drone targeted a house in Makhmour camp and only caused material damage, according to PKK-affiliated Firat News Agency (ANF) and Rojnews.

The Kurdistan Region's counter terrorism department disputed the information from the Kurdish opposition news outlets, claiming that the drone attacked an alleged PKK office and resulted in both material and immaterial damages, without releasing any possible casualty information. 

The attack comes hours after an Iraqi military delegation visited Makhmour.

Turkish drones and jets often bombard the camp on the grounds of targeting PKK fighters. Three people were killed in a suspected Turkish airstrike near the camp in June 2021.

Makhmour camp hosts more than 12,000 Kurdish refugees who fled persecution by the Turkish state, mainly in the 1990s. It is located in areas disputed between Erbil and Baghdad.