Ministry: cholera outbreak infects 827 people

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – Another 50 people have been diagnosed with cholera as the infectious disease continues to spread throughout Iraq.
The total number of cholera cases has increased to 827, official government data shows, although 95 percent of those diagnosed have been successfully treated and are in good condition.  .
“At least 50 cases were recorded yesterday: 12 people in Baghdad, six in Karbala, two in Missan and 30 cases in Diwanya,” said Iraq’s Ministry of Health on Sunday.   
Kuwaiti officials warned residents not to travel to Iraq after two Kuwaiti citizens contracted the disease after visiting the neighboring country.
Squalid conditions of overcrowded refugee camps in Iraq are breeding grounds for the disease, which is characterized by severe stomach pains and vomiting, and can lead to death if untreated.
In 2007, contaminated water led to an outbreak of cholera in Iraq, reportedly infecting about 7,000 people and killing 10.