Maliki-Amiri alliance claims to have biggest parliamentary bloc

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region — Iraqi Vice President Nouri al-Maliki, who heads of the State of Law coalition, has announced the formation of the biggest parliamentary bloc following the same announcement by Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi's alliance.

“Shouldering the national responsibility to form a large parliamentary bloc based on Article 76 of the constitution, and following depending on God and the belief of serving Iraq and its people, we announce the formation of the 'Building Alliance,' " said Maliki in a press conference on Sunday.

Maliki, who has been partnered with Hadi al-Amiri, claimed that the number of the members in his camp has increased to 145 members, following a meeting at Rasheed Hotel in Baghdad.

Separate meetings saw the presence of Khamis al-Khanjar, the head of the Sunni National Axis Alliance.

Maliki explained they are obtaining the signatures of the members themselves, instead of the head of lists signing on behalf the entirety of the lists. He has already said that he, himself, will not seek the post of the prime ministry. 

"Don't rush it, and don't get too comfortable. The one who laughs at the end laughs the most, and wait for the dust to settle, for the confusion to end, and only the rightful thing will be right," tweeted Qais al-Khazali, a prominent member of Fatih and leader of Iran-funded Asaib Ahl al-Haq, on Sunday night.

The group seems to be depending on breakaways and splits within Abadi’s Nasr and the Sunnis, while some parties are playing both sides.

MP elects shall convene a parliamentary session on Monday by parliamentary decree, although it isn’t clear who will have the largest number.

Abadi’s bloc has claimed to have over 180 MPs, much more than the needed absolute majority.

The Kurdistani parties and other Sunnis parties are yet to announce their allegiances.