Official: local ISIS leader killed in western Mosul

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - Airstrikes launched by the US-led coalition slammed Islamic State positions in western Mosul province on Wednesday, killing the local ISIS leader and two of his brothers, a Kurdish official from the area told Rudaw.
“The US coalition targeted an ISIS military vehicle and killed many fighters, including Khaldoon Ibrahim Khalaf Al- Jaheshi, who is the leader of the ISIS organization in Badosh town, west of Mosul city,” said Asmat Rajab, head of the Kurdistan Democratic Party branch 14 in Mosul.
Rajab said he had information that two of the ISIS leader's brothers were killed in the bombing.

 Mosul fell in early June 2014 after the rapid capitulation of the Iraqi military, whose members reportedly abandoned their posts as ISIS jihadists advanced
After the advance of ISIS in Iraq and its seizure of Mosul province, the US-led coalition was established to fight the extremists. The coalition continues to target ISIS bases and movements in Iraq and Syria.