Mosul operation going faster than planned, says Iraq ministry


Brigadier Saad Maan, the spokesperson of Iraq’s Interior Ministry told Rudaw that the plan of the joint command in Nineveh is going faster than what the army had planned.


“The anti-terrorism forces are present on the ground in Gogjali and on other fronts I don’t think it will take long,” Brig. Maan said.


He added: “We have challenges. We’ve to protect the infrastructure and before that protect the lives of people. And we also have to be careful and not lose the lives of our soldiers.”


“Militarily we are sure of the success of our operation. It is the just the matter of time.” Brig. Maan said confidently.


According to Maan, the Iraqi army has on the southern front retaken 1440 square kilometers and “We’ve also freed 65 villages of 85 villages on this front.”


“One of the main reasons for this success is the great communication we’ve with the Peshmerga.” Brig. Maan said.