Sadr-Abadi bloc announces formation of Iraq’s largest parliamentary bloc

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – Muqtada al-Sadr’s Sayirun, Haider al-Abadi’s Nasr (Victory), and fourteen other political groups have announced the formation of the biggest parliamentary bloc capable of forming Iraq’s next government.

According to Iraq’s state news agency, the alliance includes 177 lawmakers from 16 different lists to unite in Iraq’s 329-seat chamber. 

The breakthrough came when Osama al-Nujaifi wing of the Sunni National Axis Alliance agreed to join the bloc. 

The Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) and Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) are not currently part of the bloc. It remains possible they will opt to join the Iran-backed Fatih-State of Law alliance led by former prime minister Nouri al-Maliki. 

Although Abadi's list is part of the alliance, it is unclear whether he will continue as prime minister in the next government. 

The new parliament convenes on Monday to elect the speaker and formally invite parties to form a government. 

Updated 11.39 p.m.