Kadhimi and Egypt's Sisi discuss bilateral relations and improving cooperation

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi held a phone call with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, where the two discussed the betterment of cooperation between the "brotherly" countries.

The Iraqi PM "emphasized the depth of bilateral relations between the two brotherly countries," while also calling for greater cooperation at "various levels, in a manner that achieves the interests and prosperity of the peoples of the two countries." 

"Sincerest congratulations" were also shared between the top officials regarding the occasion of the month of Ramadan, which commenced on Saturday.

On Friday, Sisi received a phone call from his Iraqi counterpart, President Barham Salih, where the two shared Ramadan greetings, as the Egyptian president extended his wishes for Iraq to "achieve security and stability". 

Kadhimi met with a number of regional leaders, including Sisi, in Jordan on March 25, where they discussed energy and food security as well as ways to confront the global economic crisis with energy exports being shrouded with uncertainty as Russia's invasion of Ukraine continues into its second month. 

Iraq and Egypt share strong relations. Last year, a tripartite meeting was held by Iraq, Egypt, and Jordan in Baghdad, during which they discussed cooperation in the fields of security, military, and intelligence.