Tehran does not recognize US Supreme Court terror compensation ruling, says Iran's FM

Tags: Zarif Iran US Supreme Court
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Iran's Foreign Minister Javad Zarif said that his country will not recognize the US Supreme Court ruling which authorized the transfer of $2.65 billion worth of frozen Iranian assets to the families of US military personnel killed in bomb attacks in 1983 in Beirut and 1996 in Saudi Arabia.

"The US government is well aware of the fact that Iran does not recognize the ruling and if they take any measures against the assets of the Islamic Republic, they will be complied to compensate for it and return Iran's assets," said Zarif on Thursday.

Zarif is meeting US Secretary of State John Kerry on Friday, he denied that the issue of reparations will be brought up saying they will only discuss the full implementation of the nuclear deal.

Iran's Foreign Ministry spokesman, Hossein Jaberi Ansari, also said on Thursday that the "ruling has mocked [international law]," and "amounts to appropriation of the Islamic Republic of Iran's property."

The ruling was authorized by the Supreme Court on Wednesday, the frozen assets were from Iran's Bank Markazi and are has been held in Citibank accounts.

The US State Departments spokesperson, John Kirby, said the US government backs the Supreme Court compensation ruling.

The Beirut barracks bombing killed 241 US servicemen in 1983 and is believed to have been planned by Iran, the subsequent attack on Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia in 1996 which killed 19 US airmen was also believed to have been planned by Tehran and carried out by one of its Hezbollah proxies. 


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