Paveh environmentalists release golden eagle back into wild

PAVEH, Iran — A Kurdish environmental organisation released a golden eagle back into the wild on Thursday, almost a month after it was found injured in a remote area in Paveh, Kermanshah province. 

Zhiway Pawa Society works to raise awareness of environmental issues across Iran.

Parkur the eagle was found injured nearly a month ago,  and was later brought to the organization’s animal support committee.

It was cared for by member Milad Babakhas for 25 days before being released back into the mountains in Paveh’s Hawraman area on December 10.

“We thank all nature lovers and we hope that peoples’ attitude change towards wildlife and they act more responsibly to protect nature and the environment,” Ashna Hassanzadeh, the head of the society, said on Thursday.

Founded in 2015, the organisation has several branches in villages surrounding Paveh.

It has cared for more than 60 birds.