Nasrallah and Netanyahu exchange threats over Hezbollah commander's death in Damascus

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region--Israeli prime minister and leader of the Lebanese Hezbollah have exchanged threats and vows of retaliation over the killing of Samir Kuntar in an air strike in Damascus last week.

"The Israelis are hiding like rats along the border," said Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah in a speech. "They are worried and they should be worried along the border and inside Israel." 

He went on to claim that, "The retaliation to Samir's assassination will inevitably come."

Kuntar who spent 29 years in an Israeli jail for killing civilian Jews was killed in a rocket attack in the Syrian capital last week which Hezbollah leaders said was an Israeli air strike.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu responded to Nasrallah's provocative statements on Tuesday, while at an awards ceremony for outstanding employees of the Mossad intelligence agency, by proclaiming that, "our enemies should know that we will aggressively retaliate to any attack against us." 

He also told the Mossad officials that, "Because of the rise of extremist Islam, we find ourselves ... in a world war against two large factions of extremist Islam which spread across the globe." 

"We obligated to deal with these threats. These threats are linked to one another," he added.