Iraq offers humanitarian aid to Lebanon amid Israeli attacks: Sudani

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ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - Baghdad has committed to providing humanitarian aid to Lebanon in the face of deadly Israeli airstrikes, following a call by Iraq’s highest Shiite authority, Prime Minister Mohammed Shia’ al-Sudani announced on Monday.

Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, Iraq’s highest Shiite cleric, said in a statement on Monday that “every possible effort” should be made to stop “the ongoing barbaric aggression” of Israel in Lebanon. Sistani also called on “believers to do what contributes to alleviating their suffering and securing their humanitarian needs.”

Hundreds of Israeli strikes in Lebanon on Monday killed 356 people and injured 1,246, according to the Lebanese health ministry.

Sudani endorsed Sistani’s statement, announcing his cabinet’s plan to establish air and land bridges to deliver aid to Lebanon.

“[W]e declare our commitment to organizing efforts and delivering aid, combining official and popular efforts in response to the call and guidance of the Supreme Religious Authority to alleviate the suffering of our brothers in Lebanon by establishing an air bridge and a land bridge, facilitating the delivery of fuel to power the hospitals and service institutions in Lebanon,” read a statement from Sudani’s office. 

Additionally, Iraqi hospitals will be open “to receive the injured and wounded,” the statement added.

“[W]e will do everything to strengthen Lebanon’s resilience in the face of the ongoing aggressions and terrorist crimes committed by the Zionist entity,” it added. 

Sudani also called on leaders of Arab delegations at the United Nations General Assembly to hold an urgent meeting. 

“This summit aims to coordinate joint efforts to halt the criminal behavior and rally global opinion which has never been more aware of the historical injustice against Palestinians and the current suffering in peaceful Lebanon,” read the statement. 

The Iran-backed Lebanese Hezbollah movement has exchanged cross-border fire with Israel since Hamas attacked southern Israel in October last year. 

Iraq’s ruling Shiite Framework Coordination is dominated by pro-Iran political parties. 


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