Hezbollah: We will slaughter the Saudis if they enter Iraq

As Saudi Arabia, which announced in December the formation of a multinational anti-terror coalition of Islamic countries, begun a large-scale military maneuver, dubbed "the biggest" in the regions history, on Sunday along its border with Iraq the Hezbollah militia warned it against infiltrating Iraqi territory. 

The maneuver, according to The Jerusalem Post, is expected to continue until February 25. 

It began shortly after Riyadh declared that it was ready to send ground troops into Syria. This led a military spokesman for the Hezbollah, a Shiite militia, to declare that "the servants of the Saudi entity will never be able to deal with Hezbollah's fighters." 

"If the Saudi soldiers want to try to fight against us, they will have to write their names on their graves before they even think of resisting us," the spokesman added. 

These remarks came after Hezbollah's deputy chief, Sheikh Naim Qasser, dismissed the notion that Riyadh has its own foreign policy or plans in Syria and also dismissed the kingdom as a mere servant of American interests in the region. 

Aside from being ready to fight the Saudis Qasser also claimed the Shiite militia was ready to confront the Israelis in the case another war breaks out between the two enemies.