HDP MP hopes Barzani will help restart Ankara-PKK peace talks

Tags: Barzani Yildirim Turkey-PKK conflict peace process Kurdish issue HDP
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ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) and President Masoud Barzani could play a crucial role in restarting the peace process between Kurds in Turkey and Ankara, a Kurdish MP from Turkey believes.

Nimetullah Erdoğmuş, member of the pro-Kurdish People's Democratic Party (HDP) and a parliamentarian told Rudaw that Barzani and the KRG could play positive roles in resolving the issues in Turkey where people are disappointed by the Turkish government's lack of interest in resolving the Kurdish issue in the country.

Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim is scheduled to visit Baghdad this week in a bid to patch up relations with Iraqi which became strained after Turkey deployed troops to northern Iraq and expressed a desire to play a role in the Mosul offensive. Yildirim will also visit Erbil and meet Barzani and Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani.

"We have faith in Barzani and the KRG as we know that their aim, thoughts, talks, and message whether in Kurdistan, Iraq, Turkey, and even the Middle East is on the basis of peace," Erdoğmuş said. 

Erdoğmuş went on to reiterate that they "hope the KRG places influence on the peace process in and outside Turkey."

The Kurdistan Region leader and government have in the past played influential roles in maintaining the peace process in Turkey, which was shattered in the wake of the resumption of armed clashes between the Turkish state and fighters of the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) inside and across the Turkish borders in July 2015.

In his latest visit to Turkey, President Barzani said in a press conference following a meeting with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on August 24, 2016, that they would help maintain the peace process in Turkey.

“The subject of peace in Turkey is also an important issue but it seems that a lot of work still needs to be done,” the Kurdish president said of the collapsed peace process in Turkey between Ankara and the PKK. 

“We have not lost hope and will continue our efforts but unfortunately, recently many tragic things have happened. But we do hope that one day the peace process will start again.”


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