Letter from Kurdistan: When will the world get serious about ISIS?

The so called Islamic State ISIS, or better known locally as DAISH, has raised havoc in the Middle East: killing, raping, kidnapping, enslaving women, destroying homes and obliterating antiquities etc. at will and unchallenged. Although they are constantly being driven away, they continue coming back, attacking again and again, harassing the local communities and causing further human and physical damage. This lawless, rogue organization, has taken liberty at carrying out atrocious acts of murder, shamelessly beheading citizens and proudly presenting such horrid scenes on TV for the world to see.

One wonders just where such a criminal organization received their initial financial support to buy first class arsenals such as armored cars, modern tanks, assault rifles and electronic logistics, drones, and to be able to bring such equipment across the international borders at will. In addition, where did they get the funds to pay for their highly salaried and trained international fighting young men? Their easy access to highly sophisticated armament, and their affluent budget have convinced many local inhabitants that DAISH must have support from the great powers of the world, and other cooperating governments, who lavishly finance and secretly support and guide them in carrying out their atrocities.



   Jamal Fuad, Ph.D., retired, former Minister of Humanitarian Assistance, KRG/Sulaimania, Iraqi Kurdistan.  
In the past few decades we have been accustomed to acts of terrorism such as sporadic suicide attacks, planting bombs at strategic places, or high-jacking or blowing up of passenger airplanes. However, DAISH has surpassed all of these acts by invading and holding on to land in many Middle Eastern countries, and places like Libya in North Africa and elsewhere, totally ignoring the century-old international borders.

While these illegal activities are being practiced by DAISH, I am appalled by the mild response the great powers have given to curtail the activities of this organization. These powers have had historical relationship with the countries Daish has infiltrated. DAISH has occupied many strategic places in these countries, especially oilfields where they sell oil to augment their finances. It is well known that Daish sells thousands of barrels of oil to whomever wishes to buy. Turkey is said to be a faithful customer for such a trade. 

It is worthwhile to recall that, as early as 1978, the Shah of Iran was overthrown for fear that he might have become a threat to the flow of oil from the Persian Gulf. Further, when Saddam invaded Kuwait in 1990, the response was immediate, as the United States, with support from a number of its allies, ousted him from Kuwait in less than a month.

Unfortunately, we do not see the same will or enthusiasm from the big powers to confront DAISH. This organization has taken over oilfields and sells thousands of barrels of oil it locally or across the countries where it is active. Now people wonder if DAISH is being secretly helped by some great powers, including the United States. The Saudis, Qatar, and Turkey are thought to be the culprits supporting this murderous organization. The real irony is that, while such countries are suspected of supporting DAISH, have now entered into an alliance supposedly trying to uproot DAISH. Turkey for example, while pretending to be fighting DAISH, is openly buying oil from them, in addition to treating DAISH’s wounded terrorists in its hospitals. 

People wonder just for how much longer can this rogue organization, with multinational criminal army, are let loose to plunder, destroy, kill, rape and behead peaceful local citizens. DAISH has recently extended its criminal activities into European countries, especially France and Belgium. Perhaps this new policy will encourage the European countries into a more concerted action against DAISH.

Another question comes up as to why the West, who have historically been benefactors of countries of the Middle East, have now abandoned their friends and allowed a group to punish our peaceful citizens. History will not be kind to the current leaders of the world for the sort of mild confrontation against this terrorist organization.

The extensive physical, emotional, and moral damages caused by this rogue organization must further be dealt with in an international Tribunal, whereby leaders of this organization, its personnel, and specific countries that have facilitated its emergence, be brought to justice, similar to the Nuremberg trials, set up in the aftermath of the WWII. Further, organization’s financial assets should be frozen and used, along with its vast arsenal that would be liquidated, to pay for the enormous human and physical damage done. Short of this action, the peoples of the Middle East would ever be suspicious that the great powers, and specific minor countries, of having a hand in creating DAISH, and in having set loose such criminals to devastate the area. 

The savage ways of DAISH dealing with the people has caused thousands to flee their homes and take refuge in areas away from the terrorists. Kurdistan is currently home to close to 1.5 million refugees who require shelter, food, medical attention, and schooling facilities. Taking care of such large numbers of refugees has been a costly daily operation. The Kurdish Regional Government, the KRG, has been up to its responsibilities in its support of refugees. Unfortunately due to KRG’s recent financial difficulties and lower oil prices, their support cannot be sustained at the current level. The international community has been generous, but more support is required to satisfy the daily needs of this ever increasing number of refugees. The issue has become very serious. Some who have opted to migrate out of the country have experienced tragic consequences of drowning at sea, or suffocating in cargo containers where they were hiding.

Here I wish to add that our brave Kurdish Peshmerga have so far kept the terrorists at bay. However, as I have said earlier, as soon as the terrorists are driven out they keep coming back, renewing their assault, causing further casualties and physical destruction. It has become a costly game. For how long can we sustain this deadly game, I am not sure.

To effectively defeat Daish from the countries they have infiltrated, there is a need, in addition to the current air power, an international ground force to support the local armed forces. This ground force is desperately needed. Further, as the Kurdish Peshmerga have been an effective force against DAISH terrorists, direct supply of heavy equipment of such a force, is crucial. 

It is about time that the international community comes up with a more effective plan to eradicate the threat of these terrorists wherever they are. After all, DAISH is a threat to the entire international community. Therefore, they must be faced by an international coalition, not only through using air power, but also through an effective ground force to join the local forces to completely rid of these terrorists. The suggestion of the Republican presidential Candidate, Dr. Ben Carson, that the international body should declare war on DAISH, seems very much in order.

The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the position of Rudaw.