Mullah’s TV channel shut down for insulting women allowed to reopen

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – Mullah Mazhar Khorasani’s TV channel Srusht (Nature) has been allowed to reopen after he promised to follow ethical guidelines. The channel was such down after the controversial cleric broadcast several ultra-conservative and offensive comments about women.

“After Mullah Mazhar Khorasani promised to adhere to the guidelines of the Ministry of Culture, we decided to reopen his channel,” Mohammed Gardy, Media Director General of the Ministry of Culture and the Youth, told Rudaw.

The Mullah signed the agreement on Monday. The channel is expected to reopen Monday evening.

In one of his programs, Khorasani encouraged men not to marry Kurdish women, who he claims behave like an “Agha” – a tribal chief or master. He also said Kurdish women don’t know how to serve their husbands.

He dubbed women who prevent their husbands from practicing polygamy “dinosaurs.” He says his words were taken out of context, but insists it is better for wives to allow their husbands to take many wives to stop them from cheating.