Kurdistan says UN can supervise oil exports

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – Kurdistan Region Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani said Wednesday that the United Nations could supervise Erbil’s oil exports.

“We are ready to resolve our issues with Baghdad. and the United Nations can supervise our oil exports,” Barzani said in a meeting with the visiting German ambassador to Iraq, Ekkehard Brose.

The Kurdistan Region is locked in a long-running row with Baghdad over oil exports: the autonomous Kurds cite their constitutional right to export their own oil and gas, but Baghdad insists on controlling exports.

“I hope the issues between the Kurdistan Region and the Iraqi government could be solved through dialogue,” said Brose.
As differences grow with Baghdad, the Kurds move closer and closer to seeking independence. But Brose said that, “the federal system is the best for Iraq.”

Germany has been in the forefront of arming the Kurds in the year-long war against the Islamic State (ISIS) group.
“Our country will continue assisting the Peshmerga in the fight against ISIS and we thank the government and the people of the Kurdistan region for helping and hosting large numbers of refugees, despite the difficulties they are facing,” the German ambassador said.

“They have provided the refugees with necessary supplies and good shelters,” he added. 

Barzani thanked the ambassador for his country’s assistance, saying it was “a factor for the continuous victories of the Peshmerga against terrorism.” He expressed hope the help would continue.