Elderly divorced Duhok man slices off own penis

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – A disabled man in the town of Bardarash in Duhok province used a knife to cut off his penis, reportedly in a fit of mental illness, relatives told Rudaw on Monday. 

Earlier this month, the elderly man, whose name is not given, was admitted to Akre Hospital for treatment after his family rushed him to the emergency ward.

“The man has disability in both legs and, a few days ago, removed his penis. We rushed him to the hospital right away and now his condition is not critical. He is receiving treatments,”  a relative of the disabled man told Rudaw.

The disabled and his wife were divorced several months ago after having a range of marital problems, the relative said, adding that the divorced couple did not have children.

According to the source, the disabled man was impoverished and could not afford medical treatments abroad. The family has called on the Kurdistan Regional Government to help the man treat his disabilities.

The local office on fighting family violence in Bardarash denied any association with the incident, according to a Rudaw reporter.