Rudaw marks fourth anniversary

Rudaw Media Network headquarters in Erbil, Kurdistan Region.

A statement from Rudaw Media Network:


Today at 6pm the television, radio, and digital platform of the Rudaw Media Network entered the fifth year of its broadcast and publication. On this occasion, we congratulate all our Rudaw employees and the Kurdistan nation on the success of the biggest and most effective Kurdish media agency in the history of Kurdish media. It is the continued support of the people that forms the real basis on which Rudaw is able to guarantee our continued effectiveness and professionalism.


Rudaw is today known to everyone in Kurdistan and every Kurd around the world. It has also become a famed Kurdish brand internationally. All those working at Rudaw Media Network are proud that through their professional work, they have been able to create a global symbol for Kurds in terms of media.


Last year, with an agreement with the Associated Press agency, the largest news agency in the world, Rudaw Media Network became an important source of news of the region to the whole world. Our continued work with the European Association for News Exchange (ENEX) has also been active worldwide.


The effectiveness of Rudaw in all parts of Kurdistan and the region increases the responsibility on Rudaw’s shoulders day after day to expand our work and coverage. Over the past year, Rudaw has delivered the concerns of the people of Kurdistan to the world's top officials. Rudaw has also played a great role in following up on the issues and concerns of the Kurdistan people and the region and we will continue do so. 


This past year also carried with it great sadness for Rudaw Media Network following the martyrdom of Shifa Gardi on February 25, 2017. She was an experienced journalist and anchor and head of our output department. Her death adds to our sorrow after the capture of Rudaw reporter Farhad Hamo by ISIS militants in Qamishlo on December 15, 2014. His fate is still unknown.


Rudaw Media Network will soon kick off a new season and as always will continue to develop in order to be on the level expected and trusted by millions of viewers, listeners, and readers


Rudaw Media Network

