KRG hands powers to Duhok, Erbil towns in decentralization move

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region — The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) on Wednesday gave two towns in Erbil and Duhok provinces administrative powers in a decentralization move in order to improve service delivery. 

“The Prime Minister said that Soran and Zakho are two great, broad, and important areas, and their shift to independent administrations will facilitate the affairs of their residents,” read a KRG statement.

Mayors of both towns welcomed the decision. 

Halgurd Sheikh Najib, mayor of Soran, told Rudaw’s Shahyan Tahseen that they had already made some preparations for the new administration. The designation means the people of Soran, Choman, Rawanduz and Mergasor districts will no longer have to go to Erbil city for official paperwork. Instead, everything can be handled in Soran. Officials also will not have to wait weeks or months for approval from Erbil municipal officials for certain projects and paperwork. 

Decentralization had already begun in Soran as government offices like passport, citizenship and traffic police are independent of Erbil. 

Zakho mayor Mushir Mohammed told Rudaw that the decision has made his office and the people of Zakho very happy. 

Soran and Zakho are the first independent administrations in Erbil and Duhok provinces, but Sulaimani has led the way with devolution of powers to Raparin and Garmiyan. There have been calls for decentralization in the Region for years and some in Sulaimani calling for full independence.

In its agenda for this cabinet, the KRG said it “will emphasize establishing a decentralised system of power compatible with the legal and administrative system in the KRG.”