Kurdish leaders discuss Iraq’s top court decision on oil, gas

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - The heads of the Kurdistan Region’s presidency, government, parliament and Judicial Court convened on Monday, discussing the recent decision by Iraq’s top court against the Region’s oil and gas law. They rejected the ruling, claiming it undermines the federal system. 
Iraq’s Federal Supreme Court on February 15 found the Oil and Gas Law of the Kurdistan Regional Government No. (22) of 2007 to be “unconstitutional,” and therefore struck down the legal basis for the independence of the Kurdistan Region’s oil and gas sector. The decision has been condemned by Kurdistan Region’s ruling parties as well as top officials 

The Monday meeting “reiterated that the Iraqi Federal Court ruling is unacceptable, emphasizing that the Kurdistan Region will continue to exercise its constitutional rights, and not relinquishing its lawful rights and powers,” read a statement from the joint meeting, published by the Region’s presidency. 

President Nechirvan Barzani, PM Masrour Barzani, and Speaker of Parliament Rewaz Fayaq as well as their deputies and the head of the Judicial Council attended the meeting. 

The statement also read that the Kurdistan Region will “exhaust all available legal means in order to safeguard Kurdistan Region’s constitutional powers and rights,” backing it up with six reasons. One of the points claimed that the court’s decision “led to stripping the regions of a constitutional power while granting it to the federal authorities, which is inconsistent with the Federal Court’s power, as it is a retreat from the principles of the federal system.” 

“The Kurdistan Region believes that this ruling, not only undermines the constitution and the federal system, it also fails to be impartial, and is driven by special interests, especially at a time when Iraq is moving through a critical political stage; and while the political parties are engaged in talks to reach an understanding and to find a way to break the political deadlock, this ruling clearly exacerbates the conditions even further,” said another. 

The ruling by the Iraqi court comes as political parties in Iraq continue the process of forming a new government following the country’s October 10 parliamentary elections. 

President Barzani received the US ambassador to Iraq on February 16, discussing pressing issues, especially the ruling by Iraq’s federal court, according to a statement by the Kurdish leader’s office without mentioning if the US diplomat commented on the ruling.