Barzani to Christians on Easter Sunday: Either we die together or live in glory

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - Kurdish President Masoud Barzani gave a congratulatory message to Christians on Easter Sunday and said, "either we die together in this country or live in glory."

"In light of this sacred event, I reaffirm once again that either we die together in this country or we live in glory," Barzani pledged.

He also talked about the successful co-existence of different ethnic and religious groups living in the Kurdistan Region.

"Thanks to God that all denominations of the Kurdish nation have a historical root of common culture and peace and opposition to violence. Terror can never undermine this culture," he insisted.

Therefore "we assure our Christian brothers and sisters that under these circumstances and with this culture of co-existence in Kurdistan they will be secured and their dignity and rights will be preserved," Barzani said.

Barzani also praised the role of Peshmerga forces in protecting Kurdistan from the threat of Islamic State (ISIS).

"ISIS terrorists, the enemies of God and humanity, have been defeated at the hands of the Peshmerga and with high prestige our Christian brothers and sisters will return home ," he vowed.

The Kurdistan Region's President also stressed that once ISIS is eradicated in Iraq " security measures must be given to the Christians and other minorities so they can live in peace and comfort and away from the threat to their existence," they faced at the hands of ISIS.