The United States-led coalition forces have been conducting airstrikes on ISIS bases in Daquq and Khurmatu, supporting Peshmerga forces on the ground. Photo by Farzin Hasan (Rudaw)
At least five previously ISIS-held villages have been liberated in a massive offensive by Peshmerga forces, south of Kirkuk on August 26, 2015. Photo by Farzin Hasan (Rudaw)
Ethnically Arab villagers-mostly women and children-sit in the mostly destroyed village of Semaqa, waiting to be fed by Kurdish forces. Some of them are believed to be ISIS families. Photo by Farzin Hasan (Rudaw)
An ISIS main base in Albu Najm village burns after coalition airstrikes. The village is yet to be cleared of mines and booby traps. Photo by Farzin Hasan (Rudaw)
An ISIS flag is still flying in Abu Zarga after the Peshmerga forces have cleared the area of jihadists on August 26, 2015. Photo by Farzin Hasan (Rudaw)