Peshmerga Minister talks Mosul, morale and arming Kurds

Kurt Nagl and Arina Moradi
Tags: Kurdistan Iraq ISIS Islamic State Mosul US Qadir Peshmerga
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Rudaw English sat down with Mustafa Sayid Qadir, Kurdistan Region’s Minister of Peshmerga, for a discussion that ranged from plans to retake Mosul to morale of the Peshmerga in the fight against the Islamic State (ISIS). Read the conversation below.

Q. How is the war with ISIS now compared to when it started?

A. The situation of the war is much better than before. The Peshmerga have recaptured most of the areas previously lost to ISIS. I can say that 90-95 percent of Kurdistan Region territory is now under the control of Peshmerga forces.

Q. How about the condition of the Peshmerga in the battlefield?

A. The Peshmerga are now more experienced in fighting ISIS. Before that, they didn’t have that much experience with ISIS tactics. Now they have learned them. The Peshmerga have no fear of ISIS. The training provided by the US Army and coalitions forces were also effective.

  The military support by the US and allies is very effective, and so are the airstrikes to help the Peshmerga fight ISIS.  

Q. How has the US and western allies helped the Peshmerga? What kinds of training have been provided?

A. The military support by the US and allies is very effective, and so are the airstrikes to help the Peshmerga fight ISIS. We are very satisfied with the US training. The Peshmerga learn how to use the guns and weapons they receive. They are also trained on tactics to be used in the war. Up to now 10,000 Peshmerga soldiers have been trained by the US and allies. It is a continuing process.

Q. How is the morale of the Peshmerga?

A. They are very strong even though they haven’t been paid for two months. From the beginning of this war until now, the Peshmerga have remained strong and the financial crisis has not affected them.

Q. How will this problem of not being paid be solved?

A. There are two ways. One, is to reach an agreement with Baghdad on the budget. The second is self-sufficiency, by selling oil or other ways of economic independence. I prefer the quicker solution. The fastest option is the best option.

Q. You said that 90-95 percent of land taken by ISIS has been recaptured by the Peshmerga. Where is the focus now?

A. Most of the focus is in Mosul province – Shingal, Bashiqa and Qaraqush. Also, in Khabat, there are some areas yet to be liberated. There are some areas in Kirkuk province as well to be liberated.

Q. What about Hawija?

A. We believe that liberating Hawija is not easy. In the future, we might discuss (plans to liberate) with the Iraqi government and the coalition forces. But for now, there is no such plan.

  It is certain the Peshmerga will participate, but we will participate the way we want. Mosul is important to liberate both for Iraq and the Kurdistan Region because ISIS made it the capital of its caliphate.   

Q. What is the plan for Mosul city?

A. We are now discussing and planning the operation with the Iraqi government, US and coalition forces. We are investigating a plan to liberate Mosul.

Q. And the Peshmerga will participate?

A. It is certain the Peshmerga will participate, but we will participate the way we want. Mosul is important to liberate both for Iraq and the Kurdistan Region because ISIS made it the capital of its caliphate. ISIS has paid too much attention to the city. If we repel ISIS from Mosul, it’s key to clearing them from Iraq.

Q. When will it happen?

A. There is no time set for the Mosul operation. We will move when success is guaranteed, but the sooner the better. The outcome is the most important thing. If we need to delay for a successful outcome, it’s better to do so.

Q. I understand you were involved in the meeting with the US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter recently. What was the nature of the discussions?

A. The visit itself has its own significance. It’s a sign that America is paying attention to the Kurdistan Region. US officials appreciate the Peshmerga, the Kurdistan Region and even Rojava Kurdish fighters for actively fighting ISIS. The US said they will continue to provide military support to the Peshmerga.

Q. Did you talk about the US directly arming Peshmerga?

A. Yes. Arming Kurds will be through Baghdad. The KRG repeated once again that we prefer to be armed directly. But the US for its own reasons cannot do so. What is important is they reassure us that we will receive the weapons they are giving us.

Q. Are you worried they will wind up in the wrong hands?

A. We trust the US and their promise.



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