US urges probe, accountability for attacks on Sulaimani key gas field

Julian Bechocha @JBechocha
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ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - The US State Department on Sunday called for an investigation into the repeated rocket attacks targeting a key gas field in the Kurdistan Region, urging for the prosecution of the perpetrators.

"These attacks are designed to undermine economic stability just as they seek to challenge Iraqi sovereignty, sow division, and intimidate," department spokesperson Ned Price said in a statement, further calling for an investigation into the attacks and holding the perpetrators accountable.

The Khor Mor gas field, run by UAE-based Dana Gas in Sulaimani's Chamchamal district, was subject to three rocket attacks in under a week, sparking concern in the Kurdistan Region as it has seen an unprecedented volume of rocket and drone attacks since the beginning of the year.

“The United States stands with our partners in condemnation of the repeated rocket and mortar attacks directed at the Iraqi Kurdistan Region,” added Price, emphasizing that Washington will continue to stand with the Iraqi and Kurdish people “against this kind of unacceptable violence.”

Qubad Talabani, the Kurdistan Region's deputy prime minister, said on Saturday that the Kurdish government would raise the issue with authorities in Baghdad in order to prevent the repetition of such attacks, adding that the strikes will not impact the Region's natural gas production.

Deputy of Iraqi parliamentary speaker Shakhawan Abdullah told Rudaw on Saturday that the security and defense committee of the legislature has been advised to investigate the repeated assaults on Khor Mor.

Iraqi President Barham Salih condemned the triad of rocket attacks on Saturday, expressing concern that they are "targeting the stability of the country" and called on security forces to "stand firmly against these vicious criminal attempts."

No group has claimed responsibility for the attacks targeting the crucial gas field which come at a time of intensifying tensions between Baghdad and Erbil over the Kurdistan Region's oil and gas law, which Iraq's top court deemed "unconstitutional" amid growing Kurdish ambitions to export gas.

Khor Mor field produces 452 million standard cubic feet of gas per day, according to Dana Gas.


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