KDP leader Barzani encourages 'calm' election campaigning

yesterday at 07:49
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ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - The Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP), headed by Masoud Barzani, launched its election campaign in Erbil on Wednesday. Barzani called for civil and respectful elections, expressing hope that the election would lead to greater unity in the Kurdistan Region and better service to its people.

“I ask, in this election, for you to be very calm, away from violence, away from using harsh language,” Barzani said in a speech for party supporters and members.

Official campaigning began on Wednesday and is ongoing until October 15. The election will be on October 20.

The KDP leader encouraged party unity and for supporters to vote and candidates “not to make big promises” that cannot be delivered.

Barzani also addressed criticism from “chauvinists” over the United States delivering military aid, including artillery, to the Peshmerga in August.

The Kurdish Peshmerga has never had equal weaponry to its opponents, he said, but they have succeeded because “the will of the Peshmerga has been stronger.”

Politicians in Baghdad have argued the weapons could fuel internal conflicts in disputed areas, stating that the move is unconstitutional and that only the Iraqi army should possess heavy weaponry.

“The Peshmerga is never a threat because the Peshmerga is a compliant force, an organized force,” Barzani said, adding that the real threat comes from lingering “chauvinistic ideas” which endanger Iraq and the Kurdistan Region.

“The Peshmerga only protects Kurdistan and the dignity of the Kurdish nation. The Peshmerga does not assault anyone,” he stated.

Barzani also called for unity, saying, “I hope that, and efforts must be made, [so that] after October 20, [there will be] one region, one parliament, one government, and one Peshmerga force.”

The electoral process has been mired in challenges, with interference from Baghdad exacerbating tensions between the Kurdistan Region’s political parties, particularly between the KDP and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK).

The Kurdistan Region last held elections in 2018. The upcoming elections, initially scheduled for 2022, have been delayed several times.

“Go to the ballot boxes, and remember to not yield,” Barzani said.

Nearly 2.9 million people are eligible to vote, including around 215,000 early voters. There will be 1,400 polling stations, including locations in disputed areas and most Iraqi provinces, for eligible voters.

Kurdistan Region President Nechirvan Barzani said on Tuesday that political parties and candidates should run peaceful campaigns, respect women and the religious and ethnic symbols of minority groups.


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