Turkey halts Rudaw broadcast on Turksat satellites

ANKARA, Turkey – Turkey’s Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTUK) has halted Rudaw’s broadcast on Turksat satellites.
According to information obtained by Rudaw Media Network, RTUK met Monday afternoon. Representatives of the opposition parties CHP and the pro-Kurdish HDP were outside Ankara and unable to attend the meeting. The meeting proceeded with ruling AKP and nationalist MHP representatives in attendance. 

A decision was made to stop Rudaw’s broadcast.
HDP’s Arsin Ungal was unable to attend Monday’s meeting. “RTUK cannot make such a decision because Rudaw has not got its broadcast license from RTUK. That is why I will raise this subject after I return to Ankara,” he told Rudaw. 

Rudaw contacted Turksat. A Turksat spokesperson said: “We haven’t yet received the decision. We will stop Rudaw’s broadcast when we receive the decision.”

Turkey opposes Kurdistan's independence referendum being held on Monday. 

Two other Kurdistan media, Kurdistan 24 and Waar TV, have also reportedly had their broadcasts halted on Turksat.