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9 Photos
Layal Shakir
Layal Shakir

SULAIMANI, Kurdistan Region  Young women entrepreneurs aged 25 and under showcased their business products at a bazaar organised by Sulaimani's Dialogue and Culture organisation on Friday afternoon. 

"I had always seen these women on social media and I wanted to bring them all together at such an exhibition," Chra Ali Abdullah, director of the organisation's women platform told Rudaw English on Friday.

"The topic of women entrepreneurs is still fresh in Kurdistan, but it is very important worldwide. Our focus was young women entrepreneurs because the young are the key to the future. The passion they have might not be found in older people."

Sava Mudhafar, who attended the exhibition to support her friend's business, said they found a sense of joy and pride in seeing handmade Kurdish items.

"It is amazing to see how people react and support these businesses," said Mudhafar. 

"Seeing our customers attending such exhibitions gives us power because we are  based online, and this helps us do better,"said business owners and siblings Didan and Anas Ismael.

Photos: Layal Shakir/Rudaw