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Mohammed Rwanduzy
Mohammed Rwanduzy
ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – A group of Iranian Kurds gathered in front of the United Nations compound in Erbil to demonstrate in solidarity with Kurdish fuel price hike protesters in Iran.

Protesters were predominantly refugees from Iranian Kurdistan, commonly known by Kurds as Rojhelat. Among them were Kurdish activists, youth, women, and party cadres.

At 10:00 am, chants of “the sun of freedom is rising from Rojhelat [Eastern Kurdistan], the women of Rojhelat are at the forefront of struggle, and Rojhelat is in our heart” began to ring out, as protesters waved Kurdish flags.

Beginning Friday, Iranians took to the nation’s streets after the government announced it would lift fuel price subsidies – tripling the cost of a liter of fuel overnight.

At least 115 people have been killed since the protests began, Amnesty International reported on Saturday.  Kurdish areas appear to be bearing the brunt of the security forces’ heavy-handed response.

"We as Kurds of Rojhelat (Iranian Kurdistan), residing in the South [Kurdistan Region], as a member of Kurdistan Freedom Party (PAK), are gathered here to show our full support to the Kurds of Rojhelat," said one protester.

"Whenever it might be necessary, we can, with our life and heart, sacrifice our blood for the soil of Kurdistan, especially Rojhelat," he said in a message to the "occupying" Iranian state.

"We have come here, to gather, to join our voices with those of the discontented in the Islamic Republic of Iran,” a woman demonstrator said.

Protesters also held up placards calling for the unity of Kurdish parties in Iran amid the unrest.

Photos by Blind Tahir