Kurdish security release video, new information on Hawija commando operation

ERBIL-Kurdistan Region--Kurdistan Region Security Council (KRSC) released an exclusive video and more information on the joint US-Kurdish commando operation against an Islamic State (ISIS) prison south of Kirkuk.  

The joint operation started at 0200am on Thursday, stated KRSC. KRSC’s Counter Terror Department (CTD) forces made an airdrop into the main Islamic State, or ISIS, prison, 7 km north of Hawija.

According to KRSC’s statement, 48 Peshmerga from CTD forces and 30 US Special Forces soldiers were part of the operation that lasted two hours.

Six helicopters, three Chinooks and three Black Hawks took part in the operation.

“KRSC had information that the prisoners were going to be executed on the same day the operation took place. According to the rescued prisoners, they had been told it was the last day of their life. There had been some special graves were dig to bury them,” read KRSC’s statement.

According to KRSC, the Peshmerga led the operation as the US force played a supporting role, but due an ensuing fight between the Peshmerga and ISIS militants the US forces had to intervene. One US soldier was killed and three Peshmerga were wounded as a result.

KRSC has confirmed that none of the prisoners were Kurds but more than twenty of them were ex-members of the Iraqi security forces about to be executed by ISIS.

KRSC considers the Hawija operation as the "single most significant joint rescue operation based out of Kurdistan region conducted deep into the ISIL territory."