Civilian injured in Turkish bombardment of northern Duhok: mayor

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - A civilian was injured on Friday morning in a suspected Turkish bombardment in northern Duhok, which sees frequent intense clashes between Turkish forces and the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK).

“A civilian named Sabit Hussein, 55, was injured and he is in critical condition now,” Kani Masi mayor Sarbast Sabri told Rudaw.

Hussein was injured in Hirore village and has been transferred to a health center in Begova for treatment.

Turkish forces targeted Hirore village from positions in Kani Masi, according to Sabri. 

In April, Turkey launched the twin operations Claw-Lightning and Claw-Thunderbolt in northern Duhok against the PKK, an armed group fighting for greater rights for Kurds in Turkey. Ankara considers it a terrorist organization.

There have been more than 400 military incursions into the Kurdistan Region so far this year, endangering innocent civilians, the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) coordinator for international advocacy Dindar Zebari said in a statement on Wednesday, without naming any nation or group. Zebari listed villages, including Hirore, that have been subject to attacks by Turkish and Iranian forces, pursuing Kurdish opposition groups.

Civilian populations and the environment have been severely damaged by the Turkey-PKK conflict. Thousands of acres of land have been scorched, and people’s houses and livestock have been hit. Several civilians have been killed and one family in Hirore is suffering from health problems following a suspected chemical attack.

The KRG has repeatedly called on Turkey to respect its sovereignty and for the PKK to cease using Kurdistan Region territory to launch attacks on its neighbor. 

Additional reporting by Nasr Ali