Peshmerga, PKK clash near Duhok’s Mount Metina

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region — The Peshmerga and the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) each accuse the other of opening fire on their positions Saturday morning in northern Duhok province where tensions are high between them and Turkey is conducting a military offensive. There were no reports of casualties.

“This morning, Saturday the 24th, PKK fighters shot at the Peshmerga forces” near Mount Metina, announced Brig. Jamal Mohammed, chief-of-staff the Peshmerga ministry.

The PKK accused Peshmerga affiliated with the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) of advancing on their position. 

Since June 5, “despite all the calls and warnings, the KDP forces have continued to build checkpoints in this area, have built new roads, and have sent troops and armoured vehicles to this area,” read a statement from the PKK’s armed wing, the People’s Defence Forces (HPG).

On Saturday morning, the KDP “again mobilized their forces and tried to advance towards the guerilla positions,” and a brief clash erupted, it added, accusing the Peshmerga of using heavy weapons and sparking a fire. 

The PKK said Turkish planes were in the sky while the clash occurred. 

The Peshmerga Ministry said their forces have the right and duty to defend the Kurdistan Region everywhere within its borders. Mohammed expressed concern about local populations impacted by the Turkey-PKK conflict. “Because of the war between the PKK and Turkey, many villages have been abandoned and many citizens have been displaced to other areas of Kurdistan. The PKK does not respect Kurdistan Region borders, it has become a reason why Turkey is crossing Kurdistan Region’s borders,” the ministry stated. 

Tensions have been brewing between the KDP and the PKK for a year, both sides trying to assert control in areas of northern Duhok province where Turkey is carrying out armed and ground operations against the PKK. In early June, five Peshmerga were killed in the Mount Metina area. The Peshmerga accused the PKK, which denied the charge, but the incident sparked fears of an intra-Kurdish war. 

Related: Kurdish achievements at risk as KDP-PKK tensions rise

The PKK is an armed group fighting for greater rights of Kurds in Turkey. Ankara considers it a terrorist organization and frequently pursues it within the Kurdistan Region, where the PKK has bases.