Yoga sessions bring comfort to Duhok prisoners

DUHOK, Kurdistan Region - Inmates in a Duhok prison find comfort in Yoga sessions. They come together for something different from the usual routines of a prisoner

"I am visiting to help them, to help their psychological wellbeing and their state of mind," Gulvin Abdulsamad, a Yoga trainer said. "This is something very special to me, and so close to my heart. I want to teach this practice to the people here. I find it necessary to make these visits and help them."

The objective is to ensure that the prison community that they are not forgotten.

"I'm very excited and very comfortable," Rzwan Ghazi, an inmate said, adding he got "a feeling like I'm not in a prison."

"I feel like I'm free now," Ghazi said. 

These sessions will go on daily for two months.

Irfan Amin, Media Officer of Duhok Prison explained that  "this Yoga practice has started here in the Duhok prison for adults. We believe that it is the first time that we are having this kind of practice for inmates."

Amin added that everyday a group of inmates attend the Yoga sessions.