Italian military vehicle overturns in Duhok province

Karwan Faidhi Dri
Karwan Faidhi Dri @KarwanFaidhiDri
From left: Italian flag and the overturning of an Italian military vehicle in Duhok province on August 32, 2024. Graphic: Rudaw.
From left: Italian flag and the overturning of an Italian military vehicle in Duhok province on August 32, 2024. Graphic: Rudaw.
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ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - An Italian military Humvee overturned in the Shekhan district of Duhok province on Friday, a local official said. It is not immediately known if there were any casualties.

Mehran Nerwayi, mayor of Shekhan’s Qasrok subdistrict, told Rudaw that an Italian military Humvee overturned on the Duhok-Erbil highway at 1:45 pm. Four Italian soldiers were in the vehicle at the time, but were unharmed. 

The mayor also said that the Humvee did not collide with any other vehicles. 

Video submitted to Rudaw showed at least two helicopters, one appears to be an air ambulance, and several ambulances at the scene.

A convoy of Italian forces was moving from Erbil to Duhok before the incident occurred. 

The Italian diplomatic mission in the Kurdistan Region has yet to comment.   

Italy is an active member of the United States-led global coalition against the Islamic State (ISIS). They train Peshmerga forces. 

Naif Ramadan contributed to this article




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