Peshmerga hit by chemical weapons west of Mosul

DUHOK, Kurdistan Region--ISIS militants shelled Peshmerga outposts in Tal Afar on Friday with mortars armed with chlorine gas, wounding three Peshmerga.

“We breathed in a weird smell yesterday when ISIS mortars blew up. But today test results confirmed that they [ISIS] used chemical gas against us,” Naaman Galnaski, a Peshmerga commander told Rudaw.

“According to the test results, the injured Peshmerga were wounded by chlorine gas,” he added.

The Peshmerga commander revealed that ISIS fired 25 mortars on the Peshmerga outpost 80 kilometres west of Mosul on Friday.

The ISIS militants have attacked Kurdish Peshmerga on the Gwer front with mustard and chlorine gas before, wounding dozens of Peshmerga.