ISIS militant responsible for selling Yezidi girls killed in airstrike

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region — Abu Husam al-Iraqi, an Islamic State (ISIS) militant responsible for selling kidnapped Yezidi girls has been killed in a coalition airstrike in Mosul, Kurdish officials in the area told Rudaw.

Mustafa Sulaiman Qarabash, known as Abu Husam al-Iraqi is said to have been killed near the al-Faruq mosque in Tal Afar.

Ismat Rajab, a KDP official for the Mosul area said, “35 ISIS armed men were killed, and their base was destroyed,” in airstrikes on ISIS positions near Gayara.

Rajab maintained that four other notorious ISIS leaders were killed with al-Iraqi.

In August, the ISIS captured the Kurdish Yezidi town of Shingal west of Mosul, executing hundreds of men and kidnapping hundreds of women and young girls, who were reportedly sold on a “slave market” in Syria.