Masrour Barzani: Kurds need more supplies from global coalition

Tags: Masrour Barzani ISIS chemical weapons
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ERBIL, Kurdistan Region — The chancellor of the Kurdistan Region Security Council (KRSC), Masrour Barzani, released three tweets between September 17 and September 20 accusing the global coalition against ISIS of failing to provide the Peshmerga supplies over the past four months.  

“Last shipment to #Kurdistan from global coalition against #ISIL was almost 4 months ago. Withholding support to Peshmerga is indefensible,” Barzani tweeted on September 17, using ISIL, an alternate acronym for ISIS.

“ISIL terrorists have used weaponized chemical substances to attack Peshmerga in at least four areas. We've received only 1,000 gas masks,” he continued on September 20. 

“Kurdistan has now lost more than 1,300 Peshmerga in the war on #ISIL - mostly due to IEDs and mines. Global Coalition must provide more aid,” he finally tweeted, also on September 20. 


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