Unknown gunmen open fire on Peshmerga in Shingal

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - A number of unidentified persons opened fire on a vehicle carrying a group of Peshmerga inside Shingal town wounding three, confirmed an official.
Around 17:50 on Wednesday evening near Shingal bazaar, unidentified gunmen have fired on a vehicle of the Peshmerga, wounding three, Hakar Amedi, a Peshmerga commander in the city, told Rudaw.
He added that “the Peshmerga were from our brigade and their health is not critical.”
He said investigations of the incident have begun to find the perpetrators. 
“We do not know who has shot them and we do not suspect anyone.”
There are multiple armed groups present in the predominantly Yezidi town of Shingal after it was reclaimed from ISIS militants in late 2015.

In a separate incident an ISIS assault was repelled by Shingal Resistance Units (YBS), a military group in Shingal region on Tuesday, about 30 kilometres west of Shingal town.

As many as 13 villages and complexes in the Shingal region are still held by ISIS despite major setbacks of the group across the northern part of Iraq.