Referendum will not be postponed: High Referendum Council


ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – The referendum will be held as scheduled as no acceptable alternative has been offered, the High Referendum Council announced following a meeting on Thursday.

The High Referendum Council, headed by President Masoud Barzani, met on Thursday. In a statement released after the meeting, the Council reiterated that as time is running out and no alternative has been offered to replace the referendum and guarantee independence, the vote will be held on time.  

The following four points came out of the meeting:

First: As the alternative to replace the referendum has not come yet and no time is left, the referendum will take place on time, if a complete guarantee for independence is not given.

Second: It was decided all doors to talks with Baghdad will be open and necessary time will be given for talks.

Third: The meeting decided that the High Referendum Council’s delegation will visit Baghdad on Saturday, September 23, 2017 to express the latest stance.

Fourth: The High Referendum Council decided that the secretary of the High [Referendum] Council will publish both the rights of the people and the declaration of the general principles of the independent Kurdistan state before September 25, 2017.   

Barzani had a telephone call with French President Emmanuel Macron in which the French leader asked Barzani to postpone the vote, according to a statement from the Kurdistan presidency. Barzani refused to put off the Monday referendum, but said talks with Baghdad would continue after the vote. 


Last updated at 6:29 p.m