Five Peshmerga wounded by planted bomb in Kirkuk region

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – A planted bomb in Kirkuk region targeted a convoy of Kurdish forces on Monday, wounding five Peshmerga soldiers, according to an official.
“We were on our way back to the brigade’s base in Chami Rokhana area when our convoy’s vehicles were targeted by a planted bomb wounding five Peshmerga,” Brig. Aso Ali Faraj said of the incident.
He said all the injured are in good condition and the explosive had been planted when the area was under ISIS control. 
In a similar incident, earlier this month three Peshmerga soldiers were killed and two others injured by a roadside bomb planted by ISIS near Daquq, south of Kirkuk.
ISIS militants are still in control of some areas south and southwest of Kirkuk, including their major stronghold of Hawija.
Kurdish Peshmerga and security forces have recently stated that the extremist group is trying to regroup and adopt new tactics as it loses territory in the north of Iraq, especially after their losses in Mosul.

ISIS militants last week staged an “intense” attack against Kurdish Peshmerga forces west of Tuz Khurmatu killing three Peshmerga and wounding eight others before being repelled.