Suspected Turkish drone kills two members of PKK-affiliated group in Shingal

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - A suspected Turkish drone targeted two vehicles in Shingal, killing two members of a local force, affiliated to the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), reported local media. 

Denge Cira Sengale, a news outlet linked to the PKK, reported that a Turkish drone hit two vehicles in Shilo valley, Shingal, adding that a Shingal Resistance Units (YBS) fighter Anwar Tolhildan and commander Azad Ezidi were killed. 

The YBS is a Yazidi militia group affiliated to the PKK. It is frequently targeted by Turkey as part of the country’s cross-border military campaigns against the PKK. 

Rojnews, another PKK-affiliated news outlet, also reported the drone attack, saying that it is not clear if there were casualties.  

Shingal Womens Units (YJS), an all-female force linked to the YBS, confirmed both casualties.  

PKK is an armed group struggling for the increased rights of Kurds in Turkey. It is considered a terrorist organization by Ankara.